Also, of late, in India , a two Stitch-Star flow - line machines consisting of six head stitchers, two auto feeder, ejector and online three Knife trimmer to produce magazine supplements every week were installed at Punjab Kesari, Jullandhar. Punjab Kesari is a well-known daily newspaper-publishing house in North India, which publishes newspapers in Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu with a circulation of approx 14,00,000. Their pressroom is equipped with 2 heatset presses for printing multicolour supplements and magazine sections. Several multicolour presses are also installed for printing newspaper. Two more machines were also added later at Punjab Kesari, Jullandhar after the above-mentioned installation in last few months.
Meanwhile, Pramod Engineering has also exported one Stitch-star machine to Jagdamba press in Khatmandu, Nepal including one 6 - head stitcher with on-line three-knife trimmer. In India S.Chand & Co, New Delhi; Shakti Press Ltd, Nagpur; Dinamalar, Chennai and Bhargava Bhushan Press, Varanasi have equally impressive installations from them .
Two 18 stations gathering and two 9 stations and 12 stations flow-lines with auto-feeder and on-line trimmer have been recently supplied to Yugbodh Offsets at Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Few sections inserters have also been installed at Gopsons, Replika and Book Syndicate at Delhi.
Recently, one new installation of Stitch Star Stitcher with three-knife trimmer has been done at Sapna Printing Press at Kolkata and second flow-line with auto feeder and on-line trimmer for notebook manufacturing has been installed at Pioneer Paper Product, Kolkata. Two flow-lines are being exported to Colombo shortly, with many more machines planned for Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa.
Pramod Engineering Works New Delhi is a fast growing binding post press equipment manufacturing company. The company is committed to keep quality and reliability. The company is presently involved in manufacturing of stitch star stand alone double head DH II, STITCH STAR flow line multi head stitchers SS6, and complete wire stitching comprising of automatic section feeders, reject copy ejector and on-live three knife trimmer.
Prove with quality product efficiency and price competitive ness over European machinery, export is increasing after studying the installation newspaper and telephone directory printer had decided to buy stitch star flow line & 12 station star Glory Gathering machine. Rx printer of Colombo is a part of large newspaper job printing division. They have installed Stitch Star Stitcher on-line Three Side Trimmer. The condition was that our machine was too attached to the Auto feeder which was successfully done. Two feeders were sent to New Delhi for trial and later on were shipped bean. The machine was installed two month back and new running.
At Sumati Pala Printing press 12 stations Glory was installed. This press is equipped with one big web offset for printing Ceylonese yellow pages. Order was wan against Muller Martini machine. Glory is signature-gathering machine for gathering signatures works, already boasts of a big installation base in India and have also been exporting their machines to substantiate their claim of "world class quality". Live demonstration was given of an 18 station Glory that was seen running at its speed of 6000 cycles/hour. Machine can be extended up to 30 stations. The maximum format of folded signatures which can be processesd in the Glory is 310 x 280 mm and different quality of signatures ranging from 4 pages to 32 pages can be missed feed detectors to ensure complete book blocks which are delivered in a staggered form in the delivery. Optionally a side stitcher can be provided before delivery for in line finishing of blocks which need side stitching. The machine has been now insta!
lled at M/s. S. Chand and Company, New Delhi, Two more machine have been installed in Yugbodh Digital Offset Pvt. Ltd. and Yugbodh Offset Pvt. Ltd. Raipur Chattisgarh. Two machine have been exported to UEA one for 12 stitcher and another of 18 station.
Company: Parmod Engineering Works
Established: 2000
Description: Pramod Engineering is emerging as leading post press (binding machinery) manufacturer in India.
It manufactures Flow-line with Auto-Feeder and Stitcher and On-line Trimmer, Side Section Gathering Machine.
Three Knife Trimmer Four-Hole paper drilling machines. There are already over 50 installations in India and abroad.
It has gained the trust of its client's world over and the latest addition to that is in Middle East. The company
became the preferred choice for number of customers in UAE. Recently a Three Knife Trimmer has been
installed in UAE. And prior installations, in the same region include two gathering machines of 18 stations each
with double head wire stitcher; one ten station On-line Three Knife Trimmer and one paper drilling machine having
four drills for stationery jobs.
1: post press machines
2: binding machines
3: 3-side trimmer
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 91-11-41398888
Fax: 91-11-23625020
Address: e-3 Jhandewalan Estate
City: new Delhi
State/Province: Delhi
Zip/PC: 110055
Country: India
URL: http://www.pewbindery.in
Contact: Mr.Divesh Nath
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