Company: Hotek Alliance Co., Ltd
Established: 1988
Description: HOTEK ALLIANCE CO., LTD is a leading manufacturer of heating elements and refractory
products. Over 90% of our products are exported to 30+ countries.
Our product range includes: Refractory heating elements, silicon carbide heating element, molybdenum heating
elements (MoSi2), ceramic heating element, graphite heating element, metallic heating elements, Resistance wire
(nichrome wire, FeCrAl wire) used in heaters and furnaces, stainless steel strip as well as washers and nuts used in heaters.
Other applications include Cartridge heaters, immersion heaters, iron heaters, toaster heaters, oven heaters,
cooker heaters, finned tubular heaters, thermal fluid heaters, circulation Heaters, tank heaters, open coil Heaters,
duct heaters, flanged heaters and more. Custom designed specials are available to meet your requirements.
1: Heating Elements
2: Furnace Heating Elements
3: Silicon Carbide Heating Elements
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 8615106439599
Fax: 8615106439599
Address: CJ Road
City: QD
State/Province: SD
Zip/PC: 35600
Country: China
URL: http://www.hotekalliance.com
Contact: Zhang
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