Company: PT. Multi Anugerah Lestari Texindo
Established: 1985
Description: Manufacture of Calendering systems such as PVC synthetic leather, Rigid sheet, Mica sheet and etc.
Our company was established in 1985 and is one of the largest PVC Synthetic leather manufacturers in Indonesia.
We have 25 years experience in the line and our many kinds of PVC Synthetic Leather are suitable for
all kinds of footwear, bags and other items. We also sell PVC Mica sheet, Printing Mica sheet, PVC Tarpaulin Sheet,
PVC Parasit Sheet, Flooring sheet, Polyester Fabric Sheet and related products.
1: pvc synthetic leather
2: mica sheet
3: manufacture synthetic leather
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: +62315682004
Fax: +62315681896
Address: Rich Palace R-39/R-41 jl. Mayjend Sungkono 151
City: Surabaya
State/Province: East Java
Zip/PC: 60225
Country: Indonesia
URL: http://www.multitexindo.com
Contact: Lielyana Tjakra
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