SRSA was founded in January 2006 to manufacture a very high quality line of stainless steel motorcycle exhausts.
We have in excess of 7500 sq ft manufacturing space, and as of August 2008 are only using about 25% of our
For the right product (labor intensive, highly repetitive production), we can offer labor rates less than $5 per hour
BILLED RATE including profit and overhead.
Turn times and delivery much better than China or India. Repetitive shipping times 2 weeks container load qty,
$2500 to LA. Most of our materials come from the US direct ship duty and tax free.
See our product line at www.stainlessride.com
I can e-mail shop photos to curious parties. This is a VERY clean, safe, well lighted and organized manufacturing
facility in a secure, well powered and financially stable industrial park. If you are currently purchasing stainless
sheet metal items from India or China, you should check us out.
Company: Stainless Ride, S.A.
Established: 2006
Description: Stainless steel sheet and tube welding, forming and polishing is our specialty. High quality mirror
finish is required of all the parts we produce today. Part sizes from less than 1/2" to 36" and up to 30 pounds.
Cone forming, welding and polishing from 22 to 16 gauge type 304 sheet is our core compentency.
Machinery includes 4 and 8' brake press, Eagle tube expander/swager, various tig welders, saws, presses
and (4) 7 1/2 hp polishing lathes. Basic toolmaking and maintenance on site. #3 Gisholt turret lathe, bridgeport
mill and various lathes also. #1 1/4 Pines bending, 60 and 65 ton presses and surface grinding to be added in 2009
or sooner.
Our US national Operations Mgr and owners have many years experience with lean manufacturing and aviation-level
quality control requirements.
1: welding
2: metal polishing
3: stainless steel
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 937 287 7023
Fax: 937 242 6395
Address: KM 47.5 Tipitapa-Masaya Hwy, unit 3-B
City: Zona Franca Astro Nicaragua
State/Province: Nicaragua
Country: Nicaragua
URL: http://stainlessride.com
Contact: Dan
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