Company: Ann Way Machine Tools
Established: 1979
Description: With more than twenty years of experience, Ann Way produces tool holder and tooling accessory
with expertise and precision. With our top quality products, Ann Way hopes to maintain its fame and pristage
in the industry. We have grown into a leading company manufacturing
tool holder and accessories such as collet chucks, endmill holders, tap holders and allied products.
1: tool holder
2: cnc tool holder
3: collet chuck
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 886-4-2563-1259
Fax: 886-4-2563-1269
Address: 63-3, Hou Sheng Road, Shen Kang Hsiang
City: Taichung Hsien
State/Province: None
Zip/PC: 429
Country: Taiwan
URL: http://www.cnc-tool-holder-annway.com
Contact: Sales
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