Company: Singla Motors
Established: 1993
Description: Singla Motors, an ISO 9001:2000 company, is one of the leading manufacturer of all kinds of
water pumps and motors. Produt range includes Submersible pumpsets from 3" to 12" upto 250 HP; AC Induction
Motors, Centrifugal pumpsets for agricultural purpose.
1: bore well submersible pump
2: submersible motor
3: OEM for submersible pump
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: +91-184-2290187
Fax: +91-184-2293340
Address: Pingli Road, Near FCI Godown
City: Karnal
State/Province: Haryana
Zip/PC: 132001
Country: India
URL: http://www.singla.co.in
Contact: Mr. Gourav Singla
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