Company: Shuz Tung Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd.
Established: 1978
Description: Shuz Tung Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd is the leading manufacturer of various kinds of pipe bender,
tube bender, and bicycle machinery. As for pipe bending machines, we offer CNC Bender, NC Bender,
General Bender, Small Angle Bender, Rolling Bender (New) and NCR Bender to meet your specific needs.
We offer your best solution for Metal Machining and Forming Equipment. Founded in 1978, we have built a
strong background in engineering and have over 20 years of professional knowledge in various industries such as
bicycle, automobile/motorcycle, exerciser, medical and health industries. We are proud that we have developed
and distributed over 1,000 models internationally, from single or multiple function machines to fully manufactured
systems. We provide a full range of service in both software (know-how) and hardware (machine) as well as
technical consultation such as factory layout planning and personnel training in addition to suggesting the best machine to
meet your needs. We will continue to do our utmost by innovating additional machines of the highest quality
and rendering quality service to all. We believe this is the best way to keep us moving forward to
face the challenging business world of today and the future.
1: Pipe Bender
2: Tube Bender
3: Pipe Bending Machine
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 886-4-2688-8698
Fax: 886-4-2688-9868
Address: 1325 Chung Shan Road - Section 1
City: Tachia Town Taichung Hsien
State/Province: None
Zip/PC: 437
Country: Taiwan
URL: http://www.tube-pipe-bender.com
Contact: Customer Service
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