Company: Praised Associates
Established: 1994
Description: We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified CNC machine shop located 125 miles North-East of Mumbai.
Equipped with modern manufacturing and quality testing machinery, and skilled personnel we have, till date,
manufactured critical components and sub-assemblies for aeronautics and locomotives industry as well as plastic
and textile industry OEMs. Over a decade's worth of experience affords us the expertise in precision machining.
Our machine shop comprises of three Feeler (Taiwan) make vertical machining centers (VMCs) and an LMW
(India) make CNC turning center. Also included is our conventional machine shop with comprehensive pre-machining
capabilities. Products include pre-machined Blanks. Our conventional machine shop is used to deliver material ready for finish machining.
Besides reducing the need for additional jigs and fixtures and simplifying clamping, this also ensures that finish
machining time is reduced to the minimum. Services include precision machining. If you are looking to outsource machining operations, Prasad Associates can be your partner
in pursuing greater manufacturing efficiencies. Components as large as 1020 mm (40.15 inch) long, 560 mm
(22.04 inch) wide, and 560 mm (22.04 inch) in height can be machined on our VMCs, while our turning center
can be used to machine components as long as 500 mm (19.67 inch) and 300 mm (11.81 inch) dia.
Our comprehensive pre-machining and quality assurance capabilities enable us to deliver production efficiencies
that ordinary CNC machine shops cannot.
1: precision components
2: precision machining
3: cnc machining
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: +91-253-2351250
Fax: +91-253-2351250
Address: Manas, Plot no. 22, Mahatmanagar
City: Nasik
State/Province: Maharashtra
Zip/PC: 422007
Country: India
URL: n/a
Contact: Prasad Ugle