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Company: Wuhan Yuancheng Technology Development Co., Ltd
Description: The Yuancheng group is a synthesis group company, mainly is engaged in profession and so on chemical industry, trade, diet entertainment, real estate, fixed asset total amount 300 million Yuan. The base company is situated at the Chinese center center, is located nearby the Wuhan Wuchang train station, the transportation extremely facilitates. The production base is first to rise in revolt the industry garden in Lake Nanhu.
1: essence & flavor
2: extract
3: pharmaceutical material & intermediate
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 0086-27-68886700
Fax: 0086-27-68886696
Address: 496 ZhongShan Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China
City: Wuhan
State/Province: Hubei
Zip/PC: 430064
Country: China
URL: http://www.yuanchengtech.com
Contact: Victor Zhu

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