Company: Pan Abrasives Group
Description: Manufacturer of a complete range of Air Blasting Equipment accessories and consumables. Pressure Blast Pots, Blasting Hoses, Nylon Couplings , Tungsten / Silicon / Boron carbide blast nozzles / Operator Safety Equipment.
Distributor & stockist of a wide range of blasting abrasives, Garnet, Glass beads, Aluminium Oxide, Steel Abrasives, Crushed Glass.
1: Air Blasting
2: Pressure Blasting
3: Abrasive Blasting
Classification: Manufacturer, Distributor/Dealer, Foundry, Pipeline/Offshore Drilling, Heavy Construction
Target Markets: Worldwide, North America, Northern Asia, Southern Asia, Australia/Oceania, North Africa/Middle East
Tel: +65 6861 6988
Fax: +65 6861 0919
Address: 24 Pioneer Sector 2 Jurong Singapore
City: Singapore
State/Province: None
Zip/PC: 628381
Country: Singapore
Contact: Garry Simmons