Company: National Repo Center
Established: 1998
Description: We specialize in the remarketing of large commercial equipment such as construction, forestry,
mining, and highway tractors, on an individual unit basis as well as on a comprehensive basis such as complete
transport companies and mine sites.
NATIONAL REPO CENTER, operated in conjunction with John Hicks Bailiff Services,
was established to assist banks, leasing companies, and other lending institutions in the remarketing of a diverse
range of equipment and vehicles seized annually.
1: Delimbers
2: Heavy equipment
3: Log Loader
Classification: Forestry/Woodworking
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: (705)524-5158
Fax: (705)524-5300
Address: 90 National St
City: Sudbury
State/Province: Ontario
Zip/PC: P3A5J2
Country: Canada
URL: http://www.nationalrepocenter.com
Contact: Brent
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