Founded in 1989, Easy Braid Co. quickly achieved widespread recognition in the rework/repair industry with its competitive pricing and innovative product line.
With products, packaging, and flux technologies constantly changing-particularly in the development of water soluble and no-clean fluxes, fine pitch components and arrays-high quality and consistent performance is essential. By manufacturing in compliance with ISO9002 standards, and through our strict adherence to Statistical Process Control (SPC), Easy Braid Co. can assure you the highest quality products and guarantee the consistency of that quality.
Company: Easy Braid Co.
Established: 1989
Description: Easy Braid Co. is a manufacturer of desoldering wick with an emphasis on continuing advancement in desoldering technology. With an innovative product line and consistent high quality, Easy Braid Co. is a leader in the electronics rework/repair industry.
Easy Braid also offers stencil rolls, desoldering braid, solder soakers, PCB inspection and accurate optical inspection systems.
Easy Braid Co. utilizes the sales support and services of over 200 representatives located throughout the United States and in 20 additional countries spanning six continents. Our international sales base continues to grow and strengthen with each new Easy Braid Co. advancement.
1: desoldering wick
2: PCB inspection
3: optical inspection
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 1-952-929-3040
Fax: 1-952-929-2765
Address: 11543 K-Tel Drive
City: Minneapolis
State/Province: Minnesota
Zip/PC: 55343
Country: USA
URL: http://www.easybraidco.com
Contact: Char Thomas
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