The owner, Doug Bess, has worked in the industry for 45 years. His father before him
made some of the very first dimensionally sound anodes for the Chlor-alkali industry. Brian Bess now works with
customers along with his father to get the best quality out to the public. New machinery purchased every year.
Flow waterjet is now part of the capabilities. Doug Bess was in a partnership prior to opening his own business in 1997.
Company: Bess Industries, Ltd.
Established: 1997
Description: Bess Industries, Ltd. is a fabrication/machine shop specializing in the Chlor-Alkali industry.
Experimental machinery can be fabricated and tested on site. Bess Industries specializes in Titanium and Stainless
parts for all categories. The capabilities are endless when it comes to specifications and tolerances. Metalworking
and fabrication of plastics can easily be worked out. SS, Steel, CPVC, PVC, Titanium, Tool Steel, Glass, Granite,
Marble, Stone, Mesh, Aluminum, Bronze... list can go on and on. Bess Industries, Ltd. has helped make many
new inventions. They can make anything.
1: Titanium
2: fabrication
3: waterjet
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 440-352-3191
Fax: 440-352-1832
Address: 9372 Mercantile Dr.
City: Mentor
State/Province: Ohio
Zip/PC: 44060
Country: USA
URL: http://www.bessindustries.com
Contact: Brian Bess
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