IES is a division of Garrett Companies which has been in existence for three generations.
IES ventured into the wheel wash business as an end user, owning and operating a large excavation business.
As a result our products are rugged, durable and easy to operate and maintain. The depth of knowledge that
we bring as an end user has produced the most reliable system on the market.
Company: Innovative Equipment Solutions, Inc.
Established: 2004
Description: IES Manufactures Automated Wheel Wash Systems that are used to eliminate track out from
construction sites, landfills, mines and aggregrate facilities. Are systems offer closed loop water recylcing and
are the most rugged and durable on the market. We also offer the TRACKINATOR which is the heavy
angled profile platform of the system which is used to shake or rumble material off of vechicle tires without
using automation or water. Both systems are ideal to solve track out or dust control issues.
1: Automated Wheel Wash
2: Noxious Weed Disinfecting
3: Track Out Control Devices
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 501-525-8484
Fax: 501-520-5206
Address: 14 Cornerstone Court, Suite B
City: Hot Springs
State/Province: Arkansas
Zip/PC: 71913
Country: USA
URL: http://innovaativeequipment.org
Contact: Roxanne Garrett
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