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Company: Terragon Environmental Technologies
Established: 2007
Description: Terragon develops and commercializes technologies and practices which enable people to treat their waste locally. Our mission is to develop highly innovative systems that enable anyone to convert small quantities of waste into useful products economically and safely and without special training. To date, people understand waste management as a process of keeping their habitat clean by exporting their waste to others, where they assume it will be processed according to regional policies. This separation between the waste generator and the waste processor is global and deeply entrenched. In fact, technologies used to treat waste operate economically only when large amounts of waste are transported to the waste processing site. Yet, more and more, people have difficulty finding someone to accept their waste. This is witnessed by the spread of the Not-In-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) syndrome and the difficulty many cities face in finding economical waste disposal. While exporting waste may be practiced globally, it is not sustainable.

The time will soon come when everyone will have to eliminate their waste locally. For some communities and enterprises there is already no alternative. Ships and other sea platforms, small islands, isolated communities, some hotels and resorts, and military, scientific or remote resource exploration outposts exemplify human habitats where waste transport to a conventional large waste processing facility is impractical. Other examples include hospitals, clinics, laboratories, airports and other enterprises that cannot either transfer their waste to nearby facilities or face high waste disposal costs due to the hazardous nature of their waste. Terragon has been created to develop and commercialize the technologies and practices needed to enable people to treat their waste locally, in a practical and safe way. To succeed in our mission, we are developing highly innovative technologies that allow anyone to convert, economically and safely, small quantities of waste into useful products.

However, Terragon is developing more than innovative technologies. We are revolutionizing waste management by enabling the treatment of waste with an appliance similar to a stove or a dishwasher, rather than a large facility, like a landfill or an incinerator. Successful revolutions require an enterprising leader with the determination to overcome the limitations imposed by past history. Terragon has become this leader by focusing exceptionally skilled people, working in a highly creative environment, on a clearly defined objective. If you need a local waste treatment solution, or if you want to support our revolution, please, explore our website and contact us to join our team.
1: Practical Waste Disposal
2: Waste management
3: Solid, liquid and mixed waste treatment
Classification: Industrial Services
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 514.938.3772
Fax: 514.938.0721
Address: 4035 St-Ambroise, Suite 416N
City: Montréal
State/Province: Québec
Zip/PC: H4C 2E1
Country: Canada
URL: http://www.terragon.net
Contact: Peter Tsantrizos

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