AutoCrib the leader in Industrial Vending innovation has been providing automated inventory control systems for manufacturing companies since 1995. The company is based in Santa Ana, California with sales offices in suburban Atlanta, Dallas, Cincinnati and Chicago.
To date, the company has over 4,000 units installed throughout North America, Europe and Australia. The systems are sold primarily through a network of over 100 industrial distributors. With the support of AutoCrib, this network has built a reputation as being the best training, installation and support organization in the business.
Company: AutoCrib, Inc.
Established: 1995
Description: AutoCrib has taken the basic concept of "tool vending" [www.autocrib.com/products] and
evolved into a wide variety of products that assist manufacturers in controlling perishable tooling,
safety supplies, MRO supplies and other "indirect materials". The product line includes RFID tool cribs,
automated lockers and cabinets, robotic carousel systems, traditional tool cribs and handheld scanners.
No other company provides such a variety of point-of-use dispensing technology. The systems are
driven by AutoCrib's powerful software, which provides end-users with real time usage data and can
be integrated into their ERP systems. This allows manufacturers to dramatically reduce the cost of indirect
supplies by as much as 50% through accountability and access control. Whether it's automating a traditional staffed tool crib or providing point-of-use dispensing machines, AutoCrib is the logical choice.
1: industrial vending
2: tool crib software
3: tool dispensing
Classification: Manufacturer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 714-274-0400
Fax: 714-274-0399
Address: 3011 S Croddy Way
City: Santa Ana
State/Province: California
Zip/PC: 92704
Country: USA
URL: http://www.autocrib.com
Contact: Bruce Weaver
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