Company: Reliable Electronics Corp.
Established: 2003
Description: With over 5 years of experience as a leading Electronic Parts Distributor, Reliable Electronics
utilizes several key sources worldwide to locate obsolete semiconductors, obsolete integrated circuits, heavily
allocated obsolete components and hard to find electronic components at the best possible price and fastest
delivery times. $200 dollar minimum order. Quick & Easy Parts Search.
Company History: We provide superior reliability in a typically unreliable electronic component distribution
industry by adhering to specific quality control guidelines & procedures. We offer you same day answers,
fast reliable service and a 25-day guarantee that all electronic parts will perform to the manufacturer's part specifications.
1: obsolete part search
2: electronic components
3: electronics distributor
Classification: Distributor/Dealer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 813-854-3921
Fax: 813-891-9165
Address: 10821 Venice Circle
City: Tampa
State/Province: Florida
Zip/PC: 33635
Country: USA
URL: http://www.electronicpartsdistributor.com
Contact: Bill Dubay
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