Company: Bid-Service LLC
Established: 1970
Description: Leading dealer in used high-technology equipment, including semiconductor
manufacturering/processing equipment, laboratory equipment, electronic test and measurement equipment,
microscopes and scanning electron microscopes (SEM), plus all sorts of other high-technology equipment.
We buy/sell/trade.
The Company was founded in Asbury Park NJ, grew from a small warehouse to over 100,000 square feet of
owned equipment. All items are tested for correct operation, and refurbished to original specifications by our
team of technicans.
1: semiconductor processing equipment
2: laboaratory equipment
3: optical microscope
Classification: Distributor/Dealer
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 1-732-863-9500
Fax: 1-732-863-1255
Address: PO Box 6729
City: Freehold
State/Province: New Jersey
Zip/PC: 07728
Country: USA
URL: http://www.bidservice.com
Contact: Don Eilenberger
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