Company: Marsh Fasteners
Established: 1992
Description: Wholesale supplier of stainless steel fasteners, chemical fasteners and tools. Stainless steel bolts,
screws, nails for boat builders, marine OEM's and the marine construction industry.
Marsh Fasteners has so many new products and options available for fasteners, that you need our expertise
more than ever before. Even if you're not ready to make a purchase, we're glad to offer our guidance and help.
1: stainless steel fasteners
2: stainless steel bolts
3: stainless steel finishing nails
Classification: Distributor/Dealer
Target Markets: North America
Tel: 561-743-4642
Fax: 561-743-4912
Address: 127 Fern Street
City: Jupiter
State/Province: Florida
Zip/PC: 33458
Country: USA
Contact: Chris Marsh
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