Company: WishboneSafety
Established: 2003
Description: Wishbone Safety, Inc. provides the only true 100% fall safety device available to elevated workers.
The Wishbone is a Y lanyard with a automatic breakaway leg designed to allow a worker to connect to two
separate anchor points at the same time from a movable platform such as aerial lifts, bucket trucks, scissor lifts
and scaffolds. The Wishbone will save lives during transfer operations where previously protection was not available.
Wishbone TM will allow the movable platform to break away in case of emergency while preventing the worker
from falling.
1: 100% Fall Safety Device
2: Fall Protection
3: Y Landyard
Classification: Engineering/Consultancy
Target Markets: WORLDWIDE - All Regions
Tel: 954-584-7000
Fax: 954-584-7004
Address: 4101 SW 47th Ave
City: Fort Lauderdale
State/Province: Florida
Zip/PC: 33314
Country: United States
Contact: Matt Kurtgis
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