715 Weber Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 Tel: 330-336-4550
Manufacturer of electric tools, power tools and a wide range of industrial tools for various industries such as oil & gas processing plants, power generation plants, ship building, pulp & paper and fabrication plants. Products include: hand tools, tube expanders, air powered tubing cutters, beading tools, electric tools, deburring tools, power tools for fabrication of tube & tubing, flange facers, pipe & tube preparation tools, flanges, beveling tools, tube & pipe cutting tools, portable electric saws, boiler tube tools, pneumatic handsaws, metal sawing tools, abrasive wheel tube & milling tools. Markets: US, Canada, Mexico, South America, UK, Western Europe, EU, Australia, China, Japan, India, Pacific Rim, South Africa & Middle East. Category: Power & Electric Tools
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